Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday happenings

My 15 pg research paper is finished!!!! 
words cannot express my joy right now :)
I never again want to have to do another paper...well, at least until next semester :P

Now on to studying for my finals and at some point I've got to go shopping for scrubs for my new job.....which I start Monday!!! 
I may be just a bit nervous and excited.....

Also, I am now apart of the facebook world again. Mainly so I can promote my photography page which ya'll should go check  out if you're on facebook too.

my sweet boyfriends 22nd birthday was yesterday and we are doing a birthday dinner tomorrow night for him with some friends and family. I'm super excited because I'm making him something special...
I so very hope it turns out ok and he loves it. He loves pecan pie, so when I found this on pinterest I knew I had to make it for him.
wish me luck!!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My mom made lemonade from my lemons :)

I dislike it when the stress of life finds its way into my sleeping habits and causes me to get less than four hours of sleep.
Needless to say, last night was not on my list of nights that I had a good nights sleep.

I'm also trying to write a 15 page Psychology paper for part of my final and I've hit a block...on page 7.
*shakes head*

But thankfully my mom knows how to cheer me up & she bought me a little rascals DVD that has all the episodes that we used to watch as little kids on VHS. :D
So as instructed, I am giving my brain a rest and I am watching the Little Rascals right now instead of finishing my paper ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Guess what

I have a new job!!!!
My last day at the preschool is the 25th....and then I'll start at the Callahan Eye Foundation on the 30th :)
The only thing I'm not excited about is having to drive to downtown Birmingham every day :P
I'm gonna miss my kids though....
My handsome Lucas said my name today :) 

Josh took me out Friday night. We ate at the California Pizza Kitchen at the Summit and then went to the movies...all courtesy of one of his sweet patients that gave him a giftcard to the Summit as a early birthday present :)
*the patient was the first quarterback for Bear Bryant when he coached for Alabama. Josh said he had some pretty cool stories to tell

anyways. Time for bed.